As you probably don’t know (unless you follow a select number of YA writers on twitter) the RWA YA RITA category was canceled this year due to not making the 5% minimum of all the entries. I have several questions about how entries are logged, but was never able to track down any answers for you.
I would like to say that, while I love RWA and respect all they do in the writing community…while my membership definitely taught me a ton… I am completely let down with how they handled this. They informed no one but the entrants. There was no comment on their website, twitter or in any of the RWRs since the category was shut down. It was basically ignored.
This left a lot of people feeling like, MESSAGE RECEIVED: YA ISN’T IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO DISCUSS.
I don’t know what the answer to this is, but I do know that it leaves a lot of questions about where I fit in the organization as a writer. I thought I’d gotten over the heartbreak of it, but knowing calls go out tomorrow and that none of my peers will get one is still hard.
Anyway, every year people find some of their favorite new reads by watching that list. I’ve had a few readers ask me who they can email. Unfortunately, that’s just the rules and it is what it is. BUT, wow. Readers. How much do I love readers!
And so, for those people who watch for the announcements to make their “What Book Did I Miss” reading list, here are the YAs You Won’t Hear About.
I hope everyone has something that catches their eye. New books are like new worlds: You never know where you’re going to find them.
I feel like I should shout VIVA LA YA here.
If your book should be on this list, contact me to have it added.
AND, if you read and loved one of these books, be sure to share the love in the comments!
This is a shame. I spoke with another author whose book would’ve finaled in the YA category if RWA hadn’t closed it down. I’m surprised RWA didn’t get enough entries for Young Adult fiction. The genre is booming! It’s one of my favorite genres to read and edit, so I have to wonder if (as you mentioned) there needs to be a new discussion into how the entries are counted.
It’s a huge bummer about the canceled YA category, though I did receive Dare You To by Katie McGarry in my judges’ packet this year as a contemporary romance entry. It was wonderful and, out of the 7 book I received to judge, the only novel I gave a score of 90% or higher. I’m sad that it didn’t make the cut with the other judges.
It is – I’m so glad that a few ladies (Like Katie) left their books in to compete with the adult selection. So glad you enjoyed it!