I’ve been asked several times how I got on there. I have no idea. I’ve never submitted for a review or bought an ad so the idea that RT would even know my little stories exist is AMAZING. Super amazing.
Welcome to the New Site!
A brand new home! Here it is. And just like any time you move, you cute it up for the party knowing there’s still work to do. Of course I’ll still be talking about what I’m seeing and learning as a low-indie-on-the-totem-pole but I’ll also be sharing more about writing as two personalities… and maybe *caitie’s life spoiler alerts* making an announcement next week about those two personalities 😉 So, what do you think of the new site – Now’s {Read More}
Stop Making It A Big Deal
Every week A Writer comes forward on some blog or news site to talk about how they’ve been won over! Going Indie is not evil! In fact, they think everyone should look into going indie or hybrid or some version of self-publishing perhaps on their blog with shorts or serials! The problem is, like any time you have a “I’m okay with it” topic –> Â you know everyone’s not okay with it if people have to keep telling you HOW {Read More}
Favorite Goodreads Misunderstanding… EVER
I know Goodreads is a hot discussion topic all around. Everyone feels strongly about how to use it. Do you chat with reviewers? Do you even read your reviews? A friend of mine has teenagers (trust me, this is going somewhere.) She once said that their rooms were like this magical place that while, somehow being INSIDE the house, aren’t really part of the house. That’s how I’ve typically treated reviews. I know when I used to write reviews, I {Read More}
People Want To Know
First off, I’ve written and deleted about 9 posts on what happened here in Boston on Monday and my love and disgust for different reactions from my fellow writers. For me, it became important to just delete those drafts and get back to the week as “normal” even as continued reports roll in. Thanks to everyone who sent their best wishes. ~*~ NOW, back to our regular scheduled blog post! ~*~ People are starving for information about entry-level Indie publishing. {Read More}
Research: Everyone Needs To Do It
Ok, I’m going to be frustratingly vague here, but something keyed me off and you all know what happens next: BLOG POST! Someone just pointed out a book about a specific group who lives in a specific place and has a specific culture. Let me be very clear up front: My family has been part of this specific blah blah blah for 14 generations. Hey, when I promise “frustratingly vague” I mean it, right? 😉 I clicked on this book because it {Read More}
The Anti-Marketer
That’s me. The anti-marketer. Maybe I should cap it like a title: The Anti-Marketer. Everytime I try to do some type of marketing thing, it turns into a big fail. I mean like, zero sales for that period. Obviously, not the point of marketing. I actually bought a fairly large ad on a big romance site and was put on a page with some heavy-hitters…. sales drop to zero. I did an interview with someone who focuses on hand selling {Read More}
When It’s Embarrassing to be Indie
I know most of you are guessing the answer is: When people ask who your publisher is. Nope. Although, I always think that’s funny because how many people can name the publisher of the last ten books they’ve read? Right. No. Lately I’ve been embarrassed to be an Indie because of all the anger and arguing. I really don’t care who has what opinion about each topic. Personally, I like to look at things from every angle and make my {Read More}
Going Indie: What They Don’t Tell You
This is one of those posts that’s going to tick off a large majority of inde writers. I seem to write a lot of them. Anyway, I’m gearing up to go on a fairly large publishing sprint (New Theories in Love stories and a surprise series coming out this summer.) But, with all that going on, it’s kind of a game changer. My expenses are going up (paying editors for each series and proofers. A new cover artist. I’m going {Read More}
What It Looks Like From The Inside
There’s a weird thing about writing — or more, about being an author. Very few people know what your writing life really looks like. Sure, your close friends know your process and cycle, but everyone else… probably not so much. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of writers talk daily on twitter or their blogs about where they are and how things are going, etc. It doesn’t work for most writers. Outside of people who can do it with wit {Read More}