Exploring Goodreads

In my last post I mentioned that I finally found a few self-published books to check out on goodreads. There were a lot, but most of them weren’t Romance (or Rom Coms)… There wasn’t even a Romance discussion group.

So, here I am hearing all this amazing stuff from a friend who launched her debut book with some great giveaways on goodreads and wondering what I was going to have to do to use the same great tool. A few years ago someone else tried to use goodreads and couldn’t get on because of who published her book. They’ve obviously caught up with the times (and quicker than a lot of publishing – go goodreads!) because there’s a way for SP’d books to be added.

Want to get in on this?

First, if you don’t already have an account, register HERE. It takes about 10 seconds. Name, email, password. Ahhhh the good’ol days of easy registering.

Great, your in and you’re wanting to add your SP’d book (or any book if it hasn’t some how been magically added by the goodread gnomes)… Go HERE.

 That page is great – It also has some simple ways to attract readers, link reviews to your blog, and otherwise get started positively promoting your work. It’s one page with links — no weeding through pages of FAQs.

I’m not sure if this is going to be enough, but at the bottom of the page is a link to the How To Use The Author Program that goes more in-depth.

I’ll be doing another blog on this when the book is out and I walk through the process.

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