The Anti-Marketer

That’s me. The anti-marketer. Maybe I should cap it like a title: The Anti-Marketer. Everytime I try to do some type of marketing thing, it turns into a big fail. I mean like, zero sales for that period. Obviously, not the point of marketing. I actually bought a fairly large ad on a big romance site and was put on a page with some heavy-hitters…. sales drop to zero. I did an interview with someone who focuses on hand selling {Read More}

Things I’ve Been Wanting To Say

So, there’s been a few things I’ve been wanting to say lately. But, I’ve been holding my tongue. Force of habit. Then I remembered part of this indie adventure was to tell others about it. So here, with no specifics, are some things I’ve been wanting to say. Every time you say “anyone who has or wants an agent is an idiot” you are saying I, Caitie, am  an idiot. *glances at IQ test* Ok, not to sound snotty, but {Read More}