It’s out! It’s out!

After all the work and then waiting for edits and work and then waiting and then work, it’s finally out! Sarah is so cute. I feel for her even as I laugh at her attempts to find the right guy… or one she can pass off as the right guy for New Year’s.

Hope you fall in love with her as she takes on and the many adventures it brings her!

The Last Single Girle

One month.

That’s all Sarah has to find a New Year’s Eve date or earn the honor of being the last single girl in her inner circle. Actually, in all her circles. So with four weeks to find Mr. Right and a frienemy already counting her out, Sarah joins eLove hoping that – just like the perfect purse – the internet can help her find the perfect man.
The problem is, love isn’t always where you think you’ll find it and Mr. Right may not be the one with the shiniest profile.

THE LAST SINGLE GIRL is available on Amazon US
You can check it out on Goodreads.

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