When You’re Writing More Than One Book At Once

I’m trying to finish some things. Some things that follow-up the novella. Except… they keep GROWING.

Instead of working on one story at once, I’m working on 4 books to follow-up It’s in His Kiss. Each of these will be about 200 pages, so we’re pushing the length wayyyyy out.

And, on top of that, I’m working on them all at once.

I know. If there’s actually anyone out there waiting for the next story, it’s the last thing she wants to hear, right? šŸ˜‰

But, the truth is, the books are becoming bigger… better even … because of it. Writing about a group of friends allows you to look at a lot of different Truths from different angles. And when give the chance to jump around while developing those people — to give them their own chances to whisper their stories in your ear — well, you come away with something more than you would have had at One Book A Time.

I’m still aiming to have the next Theories in Love book out in January (dependent on editor scheduling, which, let’s be honest, should make everyone happy!) And, if all goes well, the one after that in February.

But, as quickly (or not) as they come out, I can guarantee that their richer for the way I’m writing this time. It’s been good growth for all of us. Yes, I just refered to myself and my characters as us. I’m sure you understand.



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