Wreckless is a reader favorite and I find myself getting lots of questions about it still.
I thought a fun way to answer some of those, tell you some obscure facts, and annotate the book for everyone would be to do a read-along! Wootoot!
So, how will it work?
I’ll be reading (ok, rereading…but it’s been a few YEARS!) Wreckless and commenting on Goodreads on my status update.
I’d love for you go read along and comment too.
I’ll be reading on my kindle, so it will be marked as % finished (not pages).
If you have a question as I go, I’ll look for them on twitter at #WrecklessRead
I’m starting at 6pm EST. BUT the best part about the GR Updates is they’re there forever. If you miss it or jump in late, they’ll still be there.
I’m sure someone will correct me, but I think you can see status updates without joining Goodreads? So you could still read along and watch my comments as the go live when I reach them? Maybe? LOL
So, me on twitter: @BriaQuinlan
Where the status updates will show: Wreckless
Where to grab your copy:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1TLyrIs
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1UdJ7j2
iTunes: http://apple.co/1XsUYYL
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