Are you one of my AuthorLife Planner peeps? If so I know you’re wondering (because I’ve gotten your emails… and DMs… and tweets… and carrier pigeons) what’s going on for 2019!
So many great things.
First off, we’ve made one really REALLY important change: We’ve taken the calendar pages out of the book.
Don’t panic! You’ll still get your pages.
But what does that look like?
First off, I know that every year we talk about trying to make the planner section an actual wire-bound planner but haven’t been able to get the cost anywhere near where I’d want it and think you deserve. The #1 complaint we get every year is that is a “book-book” because that’s the only binding we could get it in for the price.
I’m working on getting the regular pages up with a few small adds I’m excited about to the website next week so you have weekly planning pages to run with.
BUT BRIA! What about the workbook?
I was shocked to find out that some of you do the whole workbook every year. The assumption that you’d do it once and move on was what had us looking for a way to make an affordable planner without it.
I was shocked to find out that some of you do the whole workbook every year. The assumption that you’d do it once, use that as a base for future planning, and move on was what had us looking for a way to make an affordable planner without it.
So, knowing that the workbook remains an important returning point to many of you, was one more reason I wanted to break the two apart and create a new section in the workbook: Long-term, five-year planning.
But mostly, the reason I wanted to break the workbook away from a planner (any planner) was because putting them together in one book meant that I was not (by example) practicing what I preach.
I believe that planning should happen all the time. That the end of the year shouldn’t be the only time for a big reevaluation. One thing I love about Franklin Covey (and now the many design-your-own) planners is that you can get your dated sections to start any month.
Also, the workbook attached to a calendar year inflates the idea that if you are someone who does yearly big-planning, January is the only starting point that is valid.
Because I absolutely don’t believe this, it was one more reason to separate the two.
With that, we decided it was time to really look again at the workbook as it stands. And, as I am every time, I was surprised how inclusive it was. And yet, to make sure that it’s hitting the sweet spot for as many people as possible, it’s with Beta Readers right now.
In addition, I had to write a five-year section. I wrote three of them before the fourth felt like it might have a good grounding for people not sitting with me in the room with me, we created that fifth rough draft and sent it along to the beta readers as well.
BUT BRIA! When is it going to be done? January is coming!
Ok. I hear you. But I’m going to push back to say: I’d rather have you a workbook that does as much for you as possible than have a book in December.
And, it’s coming and I”m excited about that!
Let’s run through some other questions that I get from you guys.
Are you still doing one-on-one coaching?
No. Right now, I’m not. I do love doing it, but the time commitment for what authors can (or are willing) to pay for one-on-one coaching are just not equitable to me for trying to put food in my puppy’s bowl.
OK – I get that. What about the Group Team Workshops?
Well, no…but yes. (You love it when I answer like that, don’t you?)
Because everyone is still focused on doing that training in January, it’s an overly busy month for me.
I’m not currently doing scheduled workshops you can join. BUT, I do do workshops for groups who want them. You need at least 6 people, no more than 12. The team meets 2Xs a week for 4 weeks. You can start your month on any week.
I’m also working out doing retreats with groups who want them. The minimum is still 6, the maximum is up for discussion. The timing is at least 3 full days (not travel days) although, I’d recommend 4.
For either of these options, please contact me directly *points to contact page above*
Now, I want to know what you guys want from me. LET ME KNOW:

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