Sometimes the little things become too much. The need to sort the mail and run to the library and empty the dishwasher. Life is zipping by and these need-to-do things add up until small chores feel like mountains.
When my mountain had gotten too big, I glanced in my sink to see it filled with dishes that needed to go in the dishwasher. The same dishwasher that needed to be emptied.
I was running late and my new boyfriend was running early. When the doorbell rang, I let him in and gave the dishwasher one last glare as I apologized to him.
“I wanted to grab a quick shower before we left. Do we have time for me to just change out of my work clothes?” I mentioned I was running really late to meet his friends, right? #TrafficIsTheEnemy
“Go take that shower. Don’t worry about it.”
I wasn’t going to ask twice. A quick shower would make all the difference.
After my power wash, I came downstairs to find him wiping off the counter… after emptying the dishwasher and reloading it.
“Oh. Wow. You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know. But I wanted to do something for you.” He grinned the same way he did the night I met him. “And, today it was easy for me.”
Some days, one person’s mountain is another’s easy.
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