Win a 10 Page Critique

If you’ve been around for awhile you know that every year to celebrate publishing, I give away a 10 page critique to an unpublished author. Well, it’s that time of the year again! Happy book birthdays to me! If you’re not published in any format yet and want a chance at this, check it out HERE!

Pen Names

I had a really interesting question asked the other day, and it’s already not what you think. Someone asked me, “What’s one question indie authors ask that you don’t answer?” I’m betting they were thinking about money or how things have changed since 2011 or something about my own career…but nope! The question I no longer answer is: Should I start another pen name? Usually this question is around genres or subgenres (not a marketing strategy specifically or you’ve killed {Read More}

FREE!!! First in Series

CURRENTLY FREE (and who doesn’t love free….except those people who hate it.)   One month. That’s all Sarah has to find a date for the Big Night or earn the honor of being the last single girl in her inner circle. Actually, in all her circles. So with four weeks to find Mr. Right and a frienemy already counting her out, Sarah joins hoping that – just like the perfect purse – the internet and online dating can help {Read More}

Build the Perfect Hero

You know you want to play along! Starting on May 1st, you can build your own perfect hero by posting pics that inspire your vision — or maybe you want to build one of your favorite book boyfriends? How to play? Jump on Instagram and follow the days! If you’re a reader, use #BuildAHero & #BAHReaders If you’re an author, use #BuildAHero & #BAHAuthors Want to keep up with Build A Hero excitement? Check me out on instagram HERE and Daisy {Read More}


Wreckless is a reader favorite and I find myself getting lots of questions about it still. I thought a fun way to answer some of those, tell you some obscure facts, and annotate the book for everyone would be to do a read-along! Wootoot! So, how will it work? I’ll be reading (ok, rereading…but it’s been a few YEARS!) Wreckless and commenting on Goodreads on my status update. I’d love for you go read along and comment too. I’ll be {Read More}

The Plan Cycle

One of the most common questions I get about the Zero to Planned workshop is, What makes it different? I think there are several things, but the one that really resonates with people is the new Plan Cycle we create. Most plan cycles look like this: . This is a traditional cycle. This cycle works on a lot of levels. That’s why it’s been around so long. But, it doesn’t always work on the layers we want. Goals are great. I love {Read More}

RVHS Secrets Bundle Exclusive

  Check it out:

When an Author Kills a Reader

I had to consider this one for a while, but thought it might be worth posting about. I think the reader section of my peeps will probably find it more interesting because I know so many writers don’t think of themselves as “readers” any more (what’s up with that?) I grew up reading fantasy and mystery. I didn’t start reading romances until not long before I actually started writing them! Fantasy was my jam. My first manuscript was a YA {Read More}

Getting Opportunities by Being a Good Business Partner

This topic has come up several times over the last three months, so I’m going to do a quick and dirty post on this. Maybe I should have called this How Not To Lose Opportunities… So, harsh post, ahoy! Let’s talk first about what’s in it for you. Being a good Business Partner makes you easy to work with. We all know how rough the day-to-day business of publishing can be, and we look for people who make our lives {Read More}

Time Management – The Holiday Principle

Raise your hand if there’s something that every year you tell yourself, “It’s not like the date moved. Christmas (or whatever yours is…holidays, birthdays, anniversaries…etc) is the same day every year.” Most of us do it. We plan to be ready, then somehow BOOM! The day/event is upon us and we’re floundering. FLOUNDERING! Floundering is not where we want to live. But, the truth is, most of us have this issue monthly — if not weekly or daily. The kid’s rehearsal {Read More}